Sunday, February 19, 2006

Another Scare....

This past Tuesday was the longest day! I thought I felt a small lump on my breast in the morning. By 9 am, I had visions of going through this whole process, chemo, hair loss, fatigue, aching bones. By 10 am, I had a 1:30 appointment with my GYN Oncologist. Our next scheduled appointment was April, but I know I couldn't wait - mentally or physically. He examined me and said he DID NOT feel a mass, but prescribed a mammogram and sonogram. I drove directly to the location of my last mammogram and pleaded for a walk-in appointment. It was 3 pm and they would fit me in at 4:30. I said, "I'll wait".

The mammogram was brutal. They did 4 COMPRESSIONS of each breast. I never thought they could get that flat - LOL. They then said they were going to proceed with the sonogram, just to be sure. The technician that did the sonogram was the same tech that did my trans-vaginal sonogram last year. When I told her about my fallopian tube cancer, she was shocked. She said that you can't SEE inside the fallopian tube on the sonograms. I said my surgeon was shocked as well when she went to remove the fallopain tube. I think she took a little extra time to make sure all was ok. I certainly appreciated that on this "longest day".

My mammogram and sonogram DID NOT show any abnormalities, so it was a false alarm. But I will stay vigilant in order to try and stay "ahead of any future cancers".

Hope all is well and please keep in touch.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I had the pleasure of being invited to the Annual Ovacome Fundraiser held this past Friday night at the Grand Hyatt in Downtown Tampa.

What an awesome group of ladies and gentlemen who promote awareness for this insidious disease of Ovarian Cancer. This event was held to raise funds to help ladies who might need items not covered by insurance such as wigs, maid service, food items, etc. I believe the event raised over $8,000, but all donations are welcome at anytime.

When I was diagnosed with Fallopian Tube Cancer (which apparently is rare), the doctors used the Ovarian Cancer Protocol as treatment, so I feel a kin to this group and have enjoyed their support these past few months.

If you would like to donate to a very worthy cause, check out their website for more details Or if you are curious as to what the symptoms are of Ovarian Cancer, you would be surprised to find out that over 13,000 women die each year needlessly - due to not catching this disease early. Remember ladies, IT WHISPERS - SO LISTEN.