Monday, May 30, 2005

Hair Today...Gone Tomorrow

Well, I finally took the plune and shaved off the last remnants of hair that was left on my head. I think I look alot like Festus. My husband says I look like Corey Pavin. LOL Everyone says "It'll grow back even stronger...wait and see". Well I certainly don't have any choices now, right?

I also bought a wig, so I wouldn't frighten too many people while I am out and about. But I realize that I couldn't wear my wig while I golfed for 2 was too damn hot and what if get sand in it? I would have a heck of a time getting it out! And trust me, there was a real good possibility of getting sand in my "hair". So, I just wear a baseball cap while golfing. My lady friends that I golf with on Wednesday don't mind...they're just glad to see me enjoying the evening with them...playing golf.

Haven't been bowling yet, not sure when I'll give it a try. Maybe next month. Good luck to all friends bowling in the Cream of the Crop June 4th and 5th. I hope to be back next year.


Friday, May 13, 2005

ChemoTherapy - Session # 4

Chemo on Friday the 13th - how fitting!

I can honestly say the Chemo Treatments are getting easier due to the fact that they give me so much Benadryl that I sleep through the 4 hour drip process.

I was having such a tough time at work this week that I was actually LOOKING FORWARD to the chemo treatment so that I could have a day off from the "craziness" at the school. I have been so tired and I just can't get enough sleep to function...that by the time Friday rolls around...I feel like a zombie.

Needless to say, I look forward to the just sleep!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Results Are In on PET Scan #2

Well, the news is good. The 2nd PET Scan DID NOT show any cancer cell the chemotherapy is working. The doctor still felt that we should continue through the 6th chemo treatment to be on the safe side.

So chemo treatment # 4 is on May 13th, #5 is on June 3rd and then # 6 will be on July 8th. He is letting me postpone #6 in order to visit relatives in Minnesota and Virginia during the summer.

I will certainly enjoy the reprieve for those few weeks.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

PET Scan # 2 on Cinco De Mayo

Today I had my 2nd PET Scan. It is probably the first test I actually was looking forward to having done...go figure?

For the most part, the test was painless...I'm getting used to getting injected with needles in my arms. For some reason, the needles that are being used seem to be smaller or thinner (not sure which)..but a little less painless, nonetheless.

I also had my blood drawn today too. All my counts were as expected...WBC (White Blood Count) was low 2.6 (should be 3.6 to 10.0) which would account for me being tired.

Won't be getting the results of my PET Scan until Tuesday...let's all keep our fingers crossed!

Till Tuesday...